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IMBOLC 1st - 2nd FEB 2018

At the start of January 2018 we experienced a full Supermoon, where the moon is very close to the earth and appears brighter and larger than it usually does. On the 31st of January there will be another full moon making this a blue moon and to make this more special there will be a lunar eclipse, known as a blood moon. If you look up and see the milky way a belt once believed to be milk the beginning of life.

Imbolc means "in the belly" the time when the ewes and the Earth are both pregnant and the association to milk is the giver of life, the Celtic Goddess of Imbolc is Brighid also known as Brigid, Brigit, Brigidh, Bride, (which means exalted one), the Brigantes tribe of Northern England called her Brigantia, the Roman translation being Britannia, this leading to the country being called Britain. Brighid the goddess of fire and water, is the goddess that honours home and hearth, and all domestic animals, dairy activities (ewes milk would have been given to the sick and weak children), smith crafts and of healing and poetry. Brighid the goddess of fertility, milk, birth, and some Holy wells and springs are dedicated to Brighid, like Brides Well in Glastonbury.

Healing and Brighid

On the 31st the eve of Imbolc and the evening of the blue moon and also an eclipsed blue moon, making it also a blood moon (first time in 150 years since this moon was last witnessed) makes this time very special moon to give blessing to Brighid, the moon being also femanine and water and will be in the regal sign of Leo a fire sign bringing fire and water together. This is so very apt for Bighid as she also represents fire and water. To add to this once in a lifetime occurance mercury bringer of news and communication moves into Aquarius a sign of the radical thinker.

Brighid's association with milk and fire, primal forms of fertility, an alchemy of life it self. Traditionally it was said to place milk and food on window ledges and door steps so as Brighid passed by she would leave her blessing. people also left a white cloth (known as Brighid's mantle) hanging from a tree branch, during the night Brighid would pass by and would give this her blessing. This placed over the sick or a person receiving healing, or used as a magical comfort blanket when distressed. Smaller strips hung out can be shared out to place over bruises, sprains soaked in holy well water or spring water and placed over the brow of those with a fever.

A HealingWhite Wand of Imbolc

To make a healing white wand of Imbolc you will need to find a nice stick (Holly, Oak or Hazel would be good for this). Carve or decorate with your chosen healing symbols.

White ribbon (enough to wrap around the length of your wand)

and adorn ends of ribbon with acorns or fur cones crystals or items of your choice.

At dusk on the 31st January go out and hang your

white ribbon from a tree to leave over night in the

full eclipsed blue moon and for Brighids blessing.

Leave a Brighid a gift of a saucer of milk and some

bread or food of your choice, maybe a fat ball for

the birds once set in place and if sky is clear

Look up to the sky and see if you can see Orion.

In the Northern Hemisphere look to the South

West and look for Orion's belt, follow the belt

upwards and look for a bright reddie orange star

Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus the bull

sacred to the goddess Brighid, and give thanks to

her and the coming of spring and renewal of life.

Collect your ribbon in the morning energised and blessed by Brighid and Tie in your own fashion to your chosen wand with healing symbols ect. This is your creation and you must make as you feel right. Remember to keep happy thoughts and send out healing to loved ones, the earth the universe. Use your wand in healing ceremonies, using a white candles. Then each year at Imbolc eve you could place your healing wand out again to be re-blessed by Brighid.

with Love and light

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