Saturday the 10th June 2017 was the Grand Opening of Linda Ravenscroft , Mystic Garden Gallery , on the High Street Glastonbury. The astrology was wonderful for the beginnings for this New Mystical Gallery, with Leo Rising and the Sun in the 11th house of friends, groups and associations in gemini. The moon being a particularly wonderful full honey moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, who's qualities flow, showing unknown boundaries, large expansiveness and spiritually evolving. What a great way to start the day!
Many of Linda Ravenscroft's beautiful faerie painting displayed and originals for sale, with specially chosen works of Art by other Artists, sculptures and craftmen. Our very own Wryd Wytch Co-founder and artist Mark Stokle has The Spirits of the Forest pieces in the gallery, if you are visiting in the near future do look out for these naughty little tree creepers and rock goblins.
the day was very busy, with many lovely people continually arriving throughout the day, very busy but tranquil with the harp player, creating an ethereal mood and ambiance, and a constant flow of Prosecco (of course).
Gallery guests of Brian Froud and Wendy Froud , was fabulous, book signing by Brian and a marvellous faerie piece of work by Wendy Froud.
From left to right , Linda Ravenscroft, Mark Stokle, Wendy Froud and Brian Froud enjoying a moment of relaxed book signing in Linda's studio. The books can be found for sale in the gallery whiles stocks last, (I would be quick though, won't be there for long I don't suspect).
Glastonbury has a marvellous magical aura and the The Mystical Garden Gallery certainly isn't a let down on that front, the energy was fantastic.
A chillax at the Abbey to complete the day was essential. The Abbey is first thought to have been built in the 7th C and in the 12th C the Abbey was extended to the South of where the Ladies chapel was to be built the Monks found a burial sight , the Monks said the inscribed stone read.,
and there lay the bones of a large man a small woman. The bodies were moved and laid to rest in the Abbey in a black marbel casket, drawing many pilgrims.
How ever you feel about this whether you believe the stories or not it is hard to ignore the Great Tor on the Hill and the presence of the Chalice wells and that Glastonbury was once surrounded by wetland and reed beds suggesting this was once Avalon 'the isle of Apples, some also called it the Isle of Glass , which has a link to the present name. Glastonbury is a special place where many have pilgrimaged to throughout the ages and have left a imprint and magical energy, that is unmatched anywhere....